If you are trying to access OpenVPN for the BT 104/201 network goto: https://openvpn.btstudentlabs.com
Please consider installing the SoftEther VPN Client located on the TrueNAS server under
\\TrueNAS.BT104.local\BT104-Data\SoftEther. OpenVPN will soon be phased out and replaced by SoftEther VPN.
If you are trying to access cPanel login goto: https://cpanel.btstudentlabs.com or https://btstudentlabs.com/cpanel
If you are trying to access Coastal Carolina Community College website goto: https://coastalcarolina.edu
If you are trying to access MyCCCC Portal or if CCCC website is down goto: https://coastalcarolinacc.onbio-key.com/
If you have ended up here by mistake and are unsure why ask your instructor.